Post a job now, hire now

Connect with talented professionals who understand your needs and hire them to elevate your business. Unlike Fiverr, Upwork, or other platforms, we don't take any commission or cut from sellers or employers.


The best professionals you've yet to meet.

Professionals who bring expertise and innovation in various fields, from creative to technical, operational to strategic, ready to collaborate and take your business to new heights.


Website, IT, and Software

10K+ jobs posted weekly


Video Creation & Animation

8K+ jobs posted weekly


Graphics & Designer

5K+ jobs posted weekly


E- Marketing

20K+ jobs posted weekly


Advisory Services

2K+ jobs posted weekly


Financial Management

7K+ jobs posted weekly

Simple, Hourly Rate Pricing

Use our pricing tool to see approximate hourly rates for different role types. We’ll provide exact quotes for each unique agent we send to you to evaluate, and the nuances of your job description may result in a different rate from the guide listed.

1. Select Category

2. Select Job Role

3. Agent Schedule

Price Per Hour Guide (USD): --

$4.60 - $5.50

Job Description --

Example responsibilities may include:

  • Data entry and record keeping
  • Prepare reports and create presentation templates
  • Respond to customer enquiries via online chat
  • Preparing sales invoices and contracts
  • Update customer records and marketing lists


  • Strong written English and communication skills
  • Reliable and has a high attention to detail
  • Proficiency with MS Office Tools and Google Docs
  • Basic Excel proficiency
  • Quick learner

Post now, hire now

We've got you covered from idea to delivery. Post your job and instantly hire the right expert. You can discuss timings, availability, and prices before moving forward.

Payment Security Assurance

OS Payment Protection ensures that your transactions are secure and reliable, providing peace of mind for both buyers and sellers. This service protects payments, guaranteeing that funds are only released once the agreed work or service is successfully delivered, preventing any potential disputes or fraud.

OnlineStaff - OS's Advantage

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No Cut/Commission on Gigs Order

We ensure that there are no cuts or commissions taken from your gig orders.

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Middlemen Free Direct Hiring

Experience a seamless hiring process with no intermediaries. Connect directly with professionals.

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Million of Talents

Access a vast pool of skilled professionals across various fields, ready to bring their expertise and creativity to your projects.

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Cheaper on hiring compare with other platforms

Save significantly on hiring costs with our platform, offering rates that are 55% cheaper than other platforms, without compromising on quality or expertise.

Get started in 5 simple steps

getting started is often the hardest part, but taking small steps can help you build momentum and achieve your goals.


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